Monday, August 29, 2016


India has been doing it all right these years to avoid Alzheimer by taking food which is low in sweet, meat and high-fat dairy products, referred to as western diet, as a new study found that this desease is related wiht what we eat, if our food contains lot of meat and sweet on daily basis then it possibility of Alzheimer desease increases.

The study was conducted by William B Grant from Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center in San Francisco, California in which he observed the Alzheimer data of 10 countries that included Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, India, Mongolia, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, and the United States, such as that the common diet was seen of the people of the country for certain years with the difference of 5, 10 and 15 in the year.

Study author William B Grant said "Although the traditional Mediteranean diet is associated with about half the risk for Alzheimer's disease of the Western diet, the traditional diets of countries such as India, Japan, and Nigeria, with very low meat consumption, are associated with an additional 50 per cent reduction in risk of Alzheimer's disease".

He also found that as Japan moved from a non-meat diet in 1985 to a diet rich in meat in 2008, the percentage increment of the dementia was recorded from being 1% to rising up to 7%. 

Foods associated with the prevention of Alzheimer has also been observed in the study which are - low-fat-dairy milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, fish and legumes. These foods are mostly consumed by India, Nigeria and Japan, therefore not only these countries have an advantage of not suffering from dementia but also they have an advantage of 50% reduction of the disease, wereas tha intake of junk and meat is largest in U.S, the country suffers the most from Alzheimer.

Excluding meat reduces the risk of various other diseases too such as cancers, strokes, kidney desease etc. The study have been publised in the journal American College of Nutrition.

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